Saturday, December 27, 2008



欢迎收看今天早上的锵锵三人行...我是凤凰卫视的窦文涛, 今天将讨论的课题是马来西亚霹雳州欲发出永久地契所引发的争议背后所隐藏的真相...

吊...joking nia 不是锵锵三人行啦....



刚刚看了一篇有关文章,把这它形容为民联的双嬴计划.不管中央政府妥协于否,可是民联还是嬴了民心.虽然我不想把这项如此利民的方案看得如此的政治化, 可人心又岂是别人能轻易看透的...又如何能够让我猜透...

您的出发点已再也不重要, 但请以造福国民为大前提下的作出 a politic decision.

P/s: 从政的你们,省悟吧!


A letter to god.

Dear God,

Good Evening.

I am writing this to you pertaining to the teary x'mas I had for year 2008.

Its a unforgettable X'mas ever.

Sorry, what does that gesture means?

Oh, you are asking why I came out with this statement?

Well..the plan for x'mas was suppose to be meeting up with my darling Anny ( after 13 months of not seeing each other), going to Sanctuary@ The Curve during x'mas eve to have some fun, pillow talk at hotel room and next day hang out together...Such a nice plan, wasn it?


Imagine you lost your purse the day b4 x'mas eve, the items in the purse consisting of your IC, license, all your cash, ATM cards and the bus ticket to go bk hometown.

Huh? what? you called this bad luck? Not really...

Since my colleague came all the way from Batu Caves and bring me to the Police Station to lodge police report + nice dinner, my beloved darling Anny promised to help me to get a new bus tic ( I am such a pathetic spoiled child, right?), I am practically ready to forget the sadness and sorrow and prepared for the countdown plan of Xmas happilly on the next day.

I am kind of optimistic ( in fact, I was never a pessimist), Itu dia, who cares about the stolen purse...!!!

Sadly, bad luck was not with me for one day nia...

When I was en route to meet up with my frens during xmas eve...I was wearing a pair of Vincci flip-flop, suddenly the Y-shaped strap was broken, exactly at the same time, shoeless Danise found out that her n82 was running out of battery. Gosh, what other surprises I can get in one day? I could not even make call for help...

Forced to take cab, guys, the jam was so terrible!!!Which culprit was saying its recession now? Holy shit, not in kl/pj, everybody was in xmas fever.

Anyway, I managed to reach Royale Bintang The curve and my pityful fren Anny ( she is pityful because of having a potong stim fren named Danise Liew) , Anny brought me up to hotel room, calm me down , lend me a pair of shoes so we can carry on with the original plan.

Well due to empty stomach + alcohol, I was drunk, after vomited, I slept.Sigh.

My mom always tell me to be grateful, I would like to express my gratitute to Kogie and Vim for bringing me to Police Station, the cab driver who lend me his handphone and charger, Anny for buying me the bus tic and frens who took care of me when I was drunk/ unconscious.

Lastly I would like to say thanks to you, who made all these incidents happened, I mean, made me lost my purse but not my phone, broken the shoe strap but not tore my shirt.

Thank you.

P/s: I am still that grouchy right?

Your Sincerely,
Danise Liew



How is everybody doing???

Finally I am back to my Ipoh home with internet access, was living in zaman purba for the passed few months..ew...

Anyway, I decided to start blogging here ( I mean at blogspot), as Marcus is asking me to support his blog, I better action now to prove my support ( please refer to below):-

Dear All my friends, please visit Marcus Teoh Choon Wei's blog at Million of thanks.

Will be start posting soon. As ta la vista baby.

Danise Liew Sin Yee